In this episode, the boys review and discuss the new Star Wars movie, because that seems like a thing to do. Spoilers start after 4:00. Joey’s ranting about Nazis ends at 14:20.
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In this episode, the boys review and discuss the new Star Wars movie, because that seems like a thing to do. Spoilers start after 4:00. Joey’s ranting about Nazis ends at 14:20.
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Internet girls that like the same things you do. Where you go after Douglas Adams and The Simpsons. Swords, dragons and gods. A strong distaste for high fantasy garbage. How fiction gives us a better understanding of reality. Losing your favorite author and personal guru. The eleven lives you live. All the books you love that you’ve yet to read.
In this episode, the boys talk about Terry Pratchett, as a very drunk Ryan tells Joey what to read next.
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